

class minari.MinariDataset(data: MinariStorage | PathLike, episode_indices: npt.NDArray[np.int_] | None = None)[source]

Main Minari dataset class to sample data and get metadata information from a dataset.

Initialize properties of the Minari Dataset.

  • data (Union[MinariStorage, PathLike]) – source of data.

  • episode_indices (Optional[np.ndarray]) – slice of episode indices this dataset is pointing to.


minari.MinariDataset.sample_episodes(self, n_episodes: int) Iterable[EpisodeData]

Sample n number of episodes from the dataset.


n_episodes (Optional[int], optional) – number of episodes to sample.

minari.MinariDataset.iterate_episodes(self, episode_indices: Iterable[int] | None = None) Iterator[EpisodeData]

Iterate over episodes from the dataset.


episode_indices (Optional[Iterable[int]], optional) – episode indices to iterate over.

minari.MinariDataset.filter_episodes(self, condition: Callable[[EpisodeData], bool]) MinariDataset

Filter the dataset episodes with a condition.

The condition must be a callable which takes an EpisodeData instance and returns a bool. The callable must return a bool True if the condition is met and False otherwise. i.e filtering for episodes that terminate:

` dataset.filter(condition=lambda x: x['terminations'][-1] ) `


condition (Callable[[EpisodeData], bool]) – function that gets in input an EpisodeData object and returns True if certain condition is met.

minari.MinariDataset.set_seed(self, seed: int)

Set seed for random episode sampling generator.

minari.MinariDataset.recover_environment(self, eval_env: bool = False, **kwargs) Env

Recover the Gymnasium environment used to create the dataset.

  • eval_env (bool) – if True, the returned Gymnasium environment will be that intended to be used for evaluation. If no eval_env was specified when creating the dataset, the returned environment will be the same as the one used for creating the dataset. Default False.

  • **kwargs – any other parameter that you want to pass to the gym.make function.


environment – Gymnasium environment

minari.MinariDataset.update_dataset_from_buffer(self, buffer: List[EpisodeBuffer])

Additional data can be added to the Minari Dataset from a list of episode dictionary buffers.


buffer (list[EpisodeBuffer]) – list of episode dictionary buffers to add to dataset



Minari dataset specifier.


Total episodes steps in the Minari dataset.


Total number of episodes in the Minari dataset.


Indices of the available episodes to sample within the Minari dataset.