PointMaze D4RL dataset#

In this tutorial you will learn how to re-create the Maze2D datasets from D4RL [1] with Minari. We will be using the refactored version of the PointMaze environments in Gymnasium-Robotics which support the Gymnasium API as well as the latest MuJoCo python bindings.

Lets start by breaking down the steps to generate these datasets:
  1. First we need to create a planner that outputs a trajectory of waypoints that the agent can follow to reach the goal from its initial location in the maze. We will be using Q-Value Iteration [2] to solve the discrete grid maze, same as in D4RL.

  2. Then we also need to generate the actions so that the agent can follow the waypoints of the trajectory. For this purpose D4RL implements a PD controller.

  3. Finally, to create the Minari dataset, we will wrap the environment with a minari.DataCollectorV0 and step through it by generating actions with the path planner and waypoint controller.

For this tutorial we will be using the pointmaze-medium-v3 environment to collect 1,000,000 transitions. However, any map implementation in the PointMaze environment group can be used. Another important factor to take into account is that the environment is continuing, which means that it won’t be terminated when reaching a goal. Instead a new goal target will be randomly selected and the agent will start from the location it’s currently at (no env.reset() required).

Lets start by importing the required modules for this tutorial:

import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np

import minari
from minari import DataCollectorV0, StepDataCallback

WayPoint Planner#

Our first task is to create a method that generates a trajectory to the goal in the maze. We have the advantage that the MuJoCo maze can be discretized into a grid of cells, which reduces the size of the state space. The action space for this solver will also be reduced to UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT. The solution trajectories will then be a set of waypoints that the agent has to follow to reach the goal. We can simply use a variation of Dynamic Programming to generate the trajectories. The method chosen in the D4RL[1] publication is that of Value Iteration, specifically Q-Value Iteration[2]. We will obtain the optimal Q-values by doing a series of Bellman updates (50 in total) of the form:

\[Q'(s, a) \leftarrow \sum_{s'}T(s,a,s')[R(s,a,s') + \gamma\max_{a'}Q(s',a')]\]

T(s,a,s’) is the transition matrix which gives the probability of reaching state s’ when taking action a from state s. We consider the grid maze a deterministic space which means that if s’ is an empty cell T(s,a,s’) will have a value of 1 since we know that the agent will always reach that state. On the other hand, if the state s’ is a wall the value of T(s,a,s’) will be 0.

Once we have the optimal Q-values (Q*) we can generate a waypoint trajectory with the following policy:

\[\pi(s) = arg\max_{a}Q^{*}(s,a)\]

The class below, QIteration, gives access to the method generate_path(current_cell, goal_cell). This method returns a dictionary of waypoints such as:

{(5, 1): (4, 1), (4, 1): (4, 2), (4, 2): (3, 2), (3, 2): (2, 2), (2, 2): (2, 1), (2, 1): (1, 1)}

The keys of this dictionary are the current state of the agent and the values the next state of the wapoint path.

UP = 0
DOWN = 1
LEFT = 2

EXPLORATION_ACTIONS = {UP: (0, 1), DOWN: (0, -1), LEFT: (-1, 0), RIGHT: (1, 0)}

class QIteration:
    """Solves for optimal policy with Q-Value Iteration.

    Inspired by https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/D4RL/blob/master/d4rl/pointmaze/q_iteration.py
    def __init__(self, maze):
        self.maze = maze
        self.num_states = maze.map_length * maze.map_width
        self.num_actions = len(EXPLORATION_ACTIONS.keys())
        self.rew_matrix = np.zeros((self.num_states, self.num_actions))

    def generate_path(self, current_cell, goal_cell):
        q_values = self.get_q_values()
        current_state = self.cell_to_state(current_cell)
        waypoints = {}
        while True:
            action_id = np.argmax(q_values[current_state])
            next_state, _ = self.get_next_state(current_state, EXPLORATION_ACTIONS[action_id])
            current_cell = self.state_to_cell(current_state)
            waypoints[current_cell] = self.state_to_cell(next_state)
            if waypoints[current_cell] == goal_cell:

            current_state = next_state

        return waypoints

    def reward_function(self, desired_cell, current_cell):
        if desired_cell == current_cell:
            return 1.0
            return 0.0

    def state_to_cell(self, state):
        i = int(state/self.maze.map_width)
        j = state % self.maze.map_width
        return (i, j)

    def cell_to_state(self, cell):
        return cell[0] * self.maze.map_width + cell[1]

    def get_q_values(self, num_itrs=50, discount=0.99):
        q_fn = np.zeros((self.num_states, self.num_actions))
        for _ in range(num_itrs):
            v_fn = np.max(q_fn, axis=1)
            q_fn = self.rew_matrix + discount*self.transition_matrix.dot(v_fn)
        return q_fn

    def compute_reward_matrix(self, goal_cell):
        for state in range(self.num_states):
            for action in range(self.num_actions):
                next_state, _ = self.get_next_state(state, EXPLORATION_ACTIONS[action])
                next_cell = self.state_to_cell(next_state)
                self.rew_matrix[state, action] = self.reward_function(goal_cell, next_cell)

    def compute_transition_matrix(self):
        """Constructs this environment's transition matrix.
          A dS x dA x dS array where the entry transition_matrix[s, a, ns]
          corresponds to the probability of transitioning into state ns after taking
          action a from state s.
        self.transition_matrix = np.zeros((self.num_states, self.num_actions, self.num_states))
        for state in range(self.num_states):
            for action_idx, action in EXPLORATION_ACTIONS.items():
                next_state, valid = self.get_next_state(state, action)
                if valid:
                    self.transition_matrix[state, action_idx, next_state] = 1

    def get_next_state(self, state, action):
        cell = self.state_to_cell(state)

        next_cell = tuple(map(lambda i, j: int(i + j), cell, action))
        next_state = self.cell_to_state(next_cell)

        return next_state, self._check_valid_cell(next_cell)

    def _check_valid_cell(self, cell):
        # Out of map bounds
        if cell[0] >= self.maze.map_length:
            return False
        elif cell[1] >= self.maze.map_width:
            return False
        # Wall collision
        elif self.maze.maze_map[cell[0]][cell[1]] == 1:
            return False
            return True

Waypoint Controller#

Next step will be to create a controller to allow the agent to follow the waypoint trajectory. D4RL uses a PD controller to output continuous force actions from position and velocity references.

\[\tau = k_{p}(p_{goal} - p_{agent}) + k_{d}v_{agent}\]

Each target position in the waypoint trajectory is converted from discrete to a continuous value by adding some noise to the x and y coordinates. This will allow to add more variance in the trajectories generated for the offline dataset.

class WaypointController:
    """Agent controller to follow waypoints in the maze.

    Inspired by https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/D4RL/blob/master/d4rl/pointmaze/waypoint_controller.py
    def __init__(self, maze, gains={"p": 10.0, "d": -1.0}, waypoint_threshold=0.1):
        self.global_target_xy = np.empty(2)
        self.maze = maze

        self.maze_solver = QIteration(maze=self.maze)

        self.gains = gains
        self.waypoint_threshold = waypoint_threshold
        self.waypoint_targets = None

    def compute_action(self, obs):
        # Check if we need to generate new waypoint path due to change in global target
        if np.linalg.norm(self.global_target_xy - obs['desired_goal']) > 1e-3 or self.waypoint_targets is None:
            # Convert xy to cell id
            achieved_goal_cell = tuple(self.maze.cell_xy_to_rowcol(obs['achieved_goal']))
            self.global_target_id = tuple(self.maze.cell_xy_to_rowcol(obs['desired_goal']))
            self.global_target_xy = obs['desired_goal']

            self.waypoint_targets = self.maze_solver.generate_path(achieved_goal_cell, self.global_target_id)

            # Check if the waypoint dictionary is empty
            # If empty then the ball is already in the target cell location
            if self.waypoint_targets:
                self.current_control_target_id = self.waypoint_targets[achieved_goal_cell]
                self.current_control_target_xy = self.maze.cell_rowcol_to_xy(np.array(self.current_control_target_id))
                self.waypoint_targets[self.current_control_target_id] = self.current_control_target_id
                self.current_control_target_id = self.global_target_id
                self.current_control_target_xy = self.global_target_xy

        # Check if we need to go to the next waypoint
        dist = np.linalg.norm(self.current_control_target_xy - obs['achieved_goal'])
        if dist <= self.waypoint_threshold and self.current_control_target_id != self.global_target_id:
            self.current_control_target_id = self.waypoint_targets[self.current_control_target_id]
            # If target is global goal go directly to goal position
            if self.current_control_target_id == self.global_target_id:
                self.current_control_target_xy = self.global_target_xy
                self.current_control_target_xy = self.maze.cell_rowcol_to_xy(np.array(self.current_control_target_id)) - np.random.uniform(size=(2,))*0.2

        action = self.gains['p'] * (self.current_control_target_xy - obs['achieved_goal']) + self.gains['d'] * obs['observation'][2:]
        action = np.clip(action, -1, 1)

        return action

Modified StepDataCallback#

We will also need to create our own custom callback function to record the data after each step. As previously mentioned, the task is continuing and the environment won’t be terminated or truncated when reaching a goal. Instead a new target will be randomly selected in the map and the agent will continue stepping to this new goal. For this reason, to divide the dataset into episodes, we will have to truncate the dataset ourselves when a new goal is reached. This can be done by overriding the 'truncations' key in the step data return when the agent returns success=True in the 'infos' item.

In the minari.StepDataCallback we can add new keys to infos that we would also want to save in our Minari dataset. For example in this case we will be generating new hdf5 datasets qpos, qvel, and goal in the infos subgroup of each episode group.

class PointMazeStepDataCallback(StepDataCallback):
    """Add environment state information to 'infos'.

    Also, since the environment generates a new target every time it reaches a goal, the environment is
    never terminated or truncated. This callback overrides the truncation value to True when the step
    returns a True 'succes' key in 'infos'. This way we can divide the Minari dataset into different trajectories.
    def __call__(self, env, obs, info, action=None, rew=None, terminated=None, truncated=None):
        qpos = obs['observation'][:2]
        qvel = obs['observation'][2:]
        goal = obs['desired_goal']

        step_data = super().__call__(env, obs, info, action, rew, terminated, truncated)

        if step_data['infos']['success']:
            step_data['truncations'] = True
        step_data['infos']['qpos'] = qpos
        step_data['infos']['qvel'] = qvel
        step_data['infos']['goal'] = goal

        return step_data

Collect Data and Create Minari Dataset#

Now we will finally perform our data collection and create the Minari dataset. This is as simple as wrapping the environment with the minari.DataCollectorV0 wrapper and add the custom callback methods. Once we’ve done this we can step the environment with the WayPointController as our policy. Don’t forget to initialize the environment with a max_episode_steps of 1,000,000 since that’s the total amount of steps we want to collect for our dataset and we don’t want the environment to get truncated during the data collection due to a time limit.

To create the Minari dataset we will first create the dataset by calling the function minari.create_dataset_from_collector_env(), and then checkpoint the dataset every 200,000 steps taken by the environment.

dataset_name = "pointmaze-umaze-v0"

# Check if dataset already exist and load to add more data
if dataset_name in minari.list_local_datasets():
    dataset = minari.load_dataset(dataset_name)
    dataset = None

# continuing task => the episode doesn't terminate or truncate when reaching a goal
# it will generate a new target. For this reason we set the maximum episode steps to
# the desired size of our Minari dataset (evade truncation due to time limit)
env = gym.make('PointMaze_Medium-v3', continuing_task=True, max_episode_steps=1e6)

# Data collector wrapper to save temporary data while stepping. Characteristics:
#   * Custom StepDataCallback to add extra state information to 'infos' and divide dataset in different episodes by overridng
#     truncation value to True when target is reached
#   * Record the 'info' value of every step
collector_env = DataCollectorV0(env, step_data_callback=PointMazeStepDataCallback, record_infos=True)

obs, _ = collector_env.reset(seed=123)

waypoint_controller = WaypointController(maze=env.maze)

for n_step in range(int(1e6)):
    action = waypoint_controller.compute_action(obs)
    # Add some noise to each step action
    action += np.random.randn(*action.shape)*0.5

    obs, rew, terminated, truncated, info = collector_env.step(action)
    if (n_step + 1) % 200000 == 0:
        print('STEPS RECORDED:')
        if dataset is None:
            dataset = minari.create_dataset_from_collector_env(collector_env=collector_env,
                                                               author="Rodrigo Perez-Vicente",
            # Update local Minari dataset every 200000 steps.
            # This works as a checkpoint to not lose the already collected data


[1] Fu, Justin, et al. ‘D4RL: Datasets for Deep Data-Driven Reinforcement Learning’. CoRR, vol. abs/2004.07219, 2020, https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.07219..

[2] Lambert, Nathan. ‘Fundamental Iterative Methods of Reinforcement Learnin’. Apr 8, 2020, https://towardsdatascience.com/fundamental-iterative-methods-of-reinforcement-learning-df8ff078652a