Source code for minari.dataset.minari_dataset

from __future__ import annotations

import importlib.metadata
import os
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, List

import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from gymnasium import error, logger
from gymnasium.envs.registration import EnvSpec
from packaging.requirements import InvalidRequirement, Requirement
from packaging.version import Version

from minari.data_collector.episode_buffer import EpisodeBuffer
from minari.dataset.episode_data import EpisodeData
from minari.dataset.minari_storage import MinariStorage, PathLike

VERSION_RE = r"(?:-v(?P<version>\d+))"
DATASET_NAME_RE = r"(?:(?P<dataset>[-_\w]+?))"
NAMESPACE_RE = r"(?:(?P<namespace>[-_\w][-_\w/]*[-_\w]+)\/)"

def parse_dataset_id(dataset_id: str) -> tuple[str | None, str, int]:
    """Parse dataset ID string format - ``(namespace/)dataset_name(-v[version])``.

        dataset_id (str): The dataset id to parse
        A tuple of namespace, dataset name and version number
        Error: If the dataset id is not valid dataset regex
    match = DATASET_ID_RE.fullmatch(dataset_id)
    if not match:
        raise error.Error(
            f"Malformed dataset ID: {dataset_id}. (IDs must be of the form (namespace/)(dataset_name)-v(version). The namespace is optional.)"
    namespace, dataset_name, version ="namespace", "dataset", "version")

    version = int(version)

    if namespace == "":
        namespace = None

    return namespace, dataset_name, version

def gen_dataset_id(
    namespace: str | None,
    dataset_name: str,
    version: int | None = None,
) -> str:
    """Generate a dataset ID from dataset attributes. Inverse of parse_dataset_id().

        namespace (str | None): name of dataset subdir. Defaults to None.
        dataset_name (str): name of the dataset.
        version (int | None, optional): Dataset version. Defaults to None, in which case
            the version tag will be suppressed.

        str: A dataset id string of the form ``(namespace/)(dataset_name)(-v(version))``.
            The ``namespace`` and ``-v(version)`` are optional.
    namespace_str = f"{namespace}/" if namespace is not None else ""
    version_str = f"-v{version}" if version is not None else ""
    return f"{namespace_str}{dataset_name}{version_str}"

class MinariDatasetSpec:
    env_spec: EnvSpec | None
    total_episodes: int
    total_steps: int
    dataset_id: str
    combined_datasets: List[str]
    observation_space: gym.Space
    action_space: gym.Space
    data_path: str
    minari_version: str

    # post-init attributes
    namespace: str | None = field(init=False)
    dataset_name: str = field(init=False)
    version: int | None = field(init=False)

    def __post_init__(self):
        """Calls after the spec is created to extract the environment name, dataset name and version from the dataset id."""
        ) = parse_dataset_id(self.dataset_id)

[docs] class MinariDataset: """Main Minari dataset class to sample data and get metadata information from a dataset.""" def __init__( self, data: MinariStorage | PathLike, episode_indices: npt.NDArray[np.int_] | None = None, ): """Initialize properties of the Minari Dataset. Args: data (Union[MinariStorage, PathLike]): source of data. episode_indices (Optional[np.ndarray]): slice of episode indices this dataset is pointing to. """ if isinstance(data, MinariStorage): self._data = data elif isinstance(data, (str, os.PathLike)): self._data = else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized type {type(data)} for data") self._total_steps = None if episode_indices is None: episode_indices = np.arange(self._data.total_episodes) self._total_steps = self._data.total_steps assert episode_indices is not None self._episode_indices: npt.NDArray[np.int_] = episode_indices metadata = self._data.metadata env_spec = metadata.get("env_spec") if env_spec is not None: assert isinstance(env_spec, str) env_spec = ( # for gymnasium 1.0.0 compatibility env_spec.replace('"order_enforce": true,', "") .replace('"apply_api_compatibility": false,', "") .replace('"autoreset": false, ', "") ) env_spec = EnvSpec.from_json(env_spec) self._env_spec = env_spec eval_env_spec = metadata.get("eval_env_spec") if eval_env_spec is not None: assert isinstance(eval_env_spec, str) eval_env_spec = ( # for gymnasium 1.0.0 compatibility eval_env_spec.replace('"order_enforce": true,', "") .replace('"apply_api_compatibility": false,', "") .replace('"autoreset": false, ', "") ) eval_env_spec = EnvSpec.from_json(eval_env_spec) self._eval_env_spec = eval_env_spec dataset_id = metadata["dataset_id"] assert isinstance(dataset_id, str) self._dataset_id = dataset_id minari_version = metadata["minari_version"] assert isinstance(minari_version, str) from minari import __version__, supported_dataset_versions if minari_version not in supported_dataset_versions: raise ValueError( f"The installed Minari version {__version__} does not support the dataset generated by Minari {minari_version}." f"Supported versions: {supported_dataset_versions}" ) self._minari_version = minari_version self._combined_datasets = metadata.get("combined_datasets", []) self._observation_space = metadata["observation_space"] self._action_space = metadata["action_space"] assert isinstance(self._observation_space, gym.spaces.Space) assert isinstance(self._action_space, gym.spaces.Space) self._generator = np.random.default_rng() def recover_environment(self, eval_env: bool = False, **kwargs) -> gym.Env: """Recover the Gymnasium environment used to create the dataset. Args: eval_env (bool): if True, the returned Gymnasium environment will be that intended to be used for evaluation. If no eval_env was specified when creating the dataset, the returned environment will be the same as the one used for creating the dataset. Default False. **kwargs: any other parameter that you want to pass to the `gym.make` function. Returns: environment: Gymnasium environment """ requirements = self._data.metadata.get("requirements", []) for req_str in requirements: try: req = Requirement(req_str) except InvalidRequirement: logger.warn(f"Ignoring malformed requirement `{req_str}`") continue try: installed_version = Version(importlib.metadata.version( except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError: logger.warn( f'Package {} is not installed. Install it with `pip install "{req_str}"`' ) else: if not req.specifier.contains(installed_version): logger.warn( f"Installed {} version {installed_version} does not meet the requirement {req.specifier}.\n" f'We recommend to install the required version with `pip install "{req_str}"`' ) if eval_env: if self._eval_env_spec is not None: return gym.make(self._eval_env_spec, **kwargs) f"`eval_env` has been set to True but the dataset {self._dataset_id} doesn't provide an evaluation environment. Instead, the environment used for collecting the data will be returned: {self._env_spec}" ) if self.env_spec is None: raise ValueError("Environment cannot be recovered when env_spec is None") return gym.make(self.env_spec, **kwargs) def set_seed(self, seed: int): """Set seed for random episode sampling generator.""" self._generator = np.random.default_rng(seed) def filter_episodes( self, condition: Callable[[EpisodeData], bool] ) -> MinariDataset: """Filter the dataset episodes with a condition. The condition must be a callable which takes an `EpisodeData` instance and returns a bool. The callable must return a `bool` True if the condition is met and False otherwise. i.e filtering for episodes that terminate: ``` dataset.filter(condition=lambda x: x['terminations'][-1] ) ``` Args: condition (Callable[[EpisodeData], bool]): function that gets in input an EpisodeData object and returns True if certain condition is met. """ def dict_to_episode_data_condition(episode: dict) -> bool: return condition(EpisodeData(**episode)) mask = dict_to_episode_data_condition, episode_indices=self.episode_indices ) assert self.episode_indices is not None filtered_indices = self.episode_indices[list(mask)] return MinariDataset(, episode_indices=filtered_indices) def sample_episodes(self, n_episodes: int) -> Iterable[EpisodeData]: """Sample n number of episodes from the dataset. Args: n_episodes (Optional[int], optional): number of episodes to sample. """ indices = self._generator.choice( self.episode_indices, size=n_episodes, replace=False ) episodes = return list(map(lambda data: EpisodeData(**data), episodes)) def iterate_episodes( self, episode_indices: Iterable[int] | None = None ) -> Iterator[EpisodeData]: """Iterate over episodes from the dataset. Args: episode_indices (Optional[Iterable[int]], optional): episode indices to iterate over. """ if episode_indices is None: assert self.episode_indices is not None assert self.episode_indices.ndim == 1 episode_indices = self.episode_indices assert episode_indices is not None episodes_data = return map(lambda data: EpisodeData(**data), episodes_data) def update_dataset_from_buffer(self, buffer: List[EpisodeBuffer]): """Additional data can be added to the Minari Dataset from a list of episode dictionary buffers. Args: buffer (list[EpisodeBuffer]): list of episode dictionary buffers to add to dataset """ first_id = self.episode_indices = np.append( self.episode_indices, first_id + np.arange(len(buffer)) ) def __iter__(self): return self.iterate_episodes() def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> EpisodeData: episode = self.iterate_episodes([self.episode_indices[idx]]) return next(episode) def __len__(self) -> int: return self.total_episodes @property def total_episodes(self) -> int: """Total number of episodes in the Minari dataset.""" return len(self.episode_indices) @property def total_steps(self) -> int: """Total episodes steps in the Minari dataset.""" if self._total_steps is None: self._total_steps = 0 metadatas = for m in metadatas: self._total_steps += m["total_steps"] return int(self._total_steps) @property def episode_indices(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]: """Indices of the available episodes to sample within the Minari dataset.""" return self._episode_indices @episode_indices.setter def episode_indices(self, new_value: npt.NDArray[np.int_]): self._total_steps = None # invalidate cache self._episode_indices = new_value @property def observation_space(self): """Original observation space of the environment before flatteining (if this is the case).""" return self._observation_space @property def action_space(self): """Original action space of the environment before flatteining (if this is the case).""" return self._action_space @property def env_spec(self): """Envspec of the environment that has generated the dataset.""" return self._env_spec @property def combined_datasets(self) -> List[str]: """If this Minari dataset is a combination of other subdatasets, return a list with the subdataset names.""" if self._combined_datasets is None: return [] else: return self._combined_datasets @property def id(self) -> str: """Name of the Minari dataset.""" return self._dataset_id @property def minari_version(self) -> str: """Version of Minari the dataset is compatible with.""" return self._minari_version @property def storage(self) -> MinariStorage: """Minari storage managing access to disk.""" return self._data @property def spec(self) -> MinariDatasetSpec: """Minari dataset specifier.""" return MinariDatasetSpec( env_spec=self.env_spec, total_episodes=self._episode_indices.size, total_steps=self.total_steps,, combined_datasets=self.combined_datasets, observation_space=self.observation_space, action_space=self.action_space, data_path=str(, minari_version=str(self.minari_version), )